
Top market research institute

We are one of the top 5 market research institutes headquartered in Germany in terms of sales and score highly in independent customer satisfaction surveys with a very good customer experience.

Kununu und Top-Arbeitgeber Zertifizierungen der GIM


Our management

We owe our top position in the market to our international team of 200 GIMies. Whoever has this power behind them can lead the fortunes of our institute with a clear head.


Marktforschung auf Augenhöhe

Uns kommt es schon immer auf faire und respektvolle Beziehungen an. Mit Blick auf unsere Kund:innen und deren Fragestellungen geht es uns vor allem darum, gute Beziehungen zu etablieren, Projekte dynamisch zu gestalten und Anliegen ganzheitlich zu verstehen.  


We work: IDEAL

IDEAL stands for the way we work, the way we act and maybe also for the way we tick. Five colleagues from our team tell their personal IDEAL story.


Social responsibility

We are committed to art and culture in our hometown of Heidelberg, make our contribution to greater sustainability and assume social responsibility for our team.